Lots of bees, lot's of brood, not a heck of a lot of feed. I am pulling every drop of nectar out of the colonies and putting it all in the nuc's. I need to figure out how to feed nuc's in cardboard nuc boxes?? Maybe I will barrel feed in the yard I am putting the nucs, or make up a bunch of fondant patties?
The parent colonies will be fine without feed as I pull out the queen for the nuc leaving just a queen cell in the parent hive. Because I am stripping the parent hive down to 2-3 frames of brood and bees and no queen they won't need any feed because I have stopped their brood rearing and the dandelions will provide.
The parent colonies will be fine without feed as I pull out the queen for the nuc leaving just a queen cell in the parent hive. Because I am stripping the parent hive down to 2-3 frames of brood and bees and no queen they won't need any feed because I have stopped their brood rearing and the dandelions will provide.